For His Glory

Major Fight Over DC
The Passion
2004 By; Kenneth Copeland
Utopia Silver
Major Fight Over DC
New Wine
Words Over Alaska & Colorado
Hinges Blown off Caskets
Bright Lights In 2004
The Glory in Florida
Tribulation Is Coming
I'm Going To Anoint This Nation For War
I Shall Release a Wave of Judgement
The Glorious Church
Glory, Glory, Glory
The Train of My Glory Preparing To Flow
You Shall Endure
I Am the One Who Is, and Is To Come
The Best Vintage
Hicks~Vision Last Days Revival !
Revival has started in the N E
Prophetic Word For New England=N.H.
Prophecys for New England Revival
My Glory
United In the Glory
End Time " Glory "
At The Threshold Of Glory
Scripture God Gave Me on the "Glory"
A Greater Glory Is Coming
Splinters From The Cross
66-Books of God's Love
The Frog
My Daddy's Love !
Fire Over Scotland
The Worship Warrior
Belief's on Harry Potter, & Lords of the Rings
Prophetic WordsFrom: CIM
A Shaking Coming !
Apply the Blood of Jesus !
Angels and the Last Days !
The Winds Are Blowing !
Prophecy Today
2003~End Time Prophecy
Take In The Poor !
Personal Words From The Lord
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Message from the Prophetic Gathering @ Carpenters Home Church, Lakeland, FL

So fear not. This thing’s not over. It’s not over in this camp and it’s not over in this nation. I’m going to turn the tables on the homosexuals. I’m going to turn the tables on the liberals. I’m going to have them screaming before this is over, saith the Lord. I’m going to issue a royal command and there’s going to be a major fight over Washington D.C. You watch. You mark my words.

I’m going to light that Senate chamber up. I’m going to light the Supreme Court up. I’m going to send prophets to the steps of the White House. I’m going to send prophets to the steps of the Capital. They’re going to proclaim my word to this nation. They’re going to cause the leaders to tremble in fear of God Almighty. God will be vindicated and honored in this nation. I will have my way, saith the Lord.

The day of the prophet is not over. This nation will shake at the word of the Lord. It will be carried on the airways. You will hear prophecy across the airways before this is said and done.

I will turn this nation to righteousness. Evil will not have its way. I will put the homosexual back in the closet, saith the Lord. I will knock this stuff off the airways. I will have my way. Call on me; call on me; call on me.

This is what you were born and raised for, is to stand up in this generation and call for righteousness. It doesn’t mean you go out and beat somebody over the head, but it means you get on your knees and you call and you call and you call and you call and you call for these kids who are being affected by this wickedness in the land. And you call God to shut down these openings that have caused this to happen. And you call for that legislature to be removed that is evil and wicked and rotten. And you call for the foundations of this nation to come back to what they were originally called to be.

The Ten Commandments are in those places for a reason. This nation was founded by me, saith God, and I want a people who will stand up and take it back. Not being mean and ugly to people, but you take it back in prayer first. You command them out and you keep it up and you keep it up and you keep it up until victory is achieved.

I have put the first fruits in the White House. Now I’m going for the Supreme Court. Now I’m going for the rest of the nation. I want a godly nation. I want a godly nation. I want a godly Congress. I want a godly Senate. I want a godly leadership in this nation.

I put John Ashcroft back in there as a first fruit, saith the Lord, to show this nation what I want. I’m going to call them out of the pulpits and I’m going to call them into government, saith God. I’m calling ministers into government. I want my nation righteous again. I want these men repealed who are a stench in my nostrils. I never intended this nation to go that course. When righteous men do nothing, evil prevails.

Now you’ve got to get some Holy Ghost guts and stand up in your calling. You are not called just to run a little bitty church. You are called to run a nation, saith God. Wasn’t the word of the Lord sent unto the prophets and they shut the heavens over a nation and they opened the heavens over a nation? Kings trembled at their word. I’m calling you to stand in prophetic utterance, all of you, over this nation and proclaim what the Holy Ghost puts in your heart.

~ Prophecy by Don Franklin


I believe that the Lord is placing this calling into government even into the hearts of the little ones. Our 13 year old son gets upset at injustices that he hears of in the news and he says, “When I’m a congressman, or when I’m in the Senate, things are gonna change.”

Now, where does he get that? As far as I know there is no one on either side of our family who has ever been in politics. There have been plenty of soldiers, going back to the days of the Civil War. Every generation has fought for America.

But even now, the Lord is placing this calling on his little ones. The days are over when we can only think of the most holy or righteous calling your child could pursue is to be a minister or an evangelist. As it was in the beginning of this nation, God is calling men into politics and we must bathe them in our prayers and let them go to serve the Lord in the avenue he is calling them into.

We thank God for George W, and John Ashcroft and many others who are god-fearing men, but we believe that they are just the beginning of a righteous movement to take back D.C. for the Lord.


And so Lord, even now this day, we bring our brothers and sisters before you who are serving you and this nation in seats of power. Lord God, may your anointing be upon them to do that which you have laid upon their hearts. Guard their hearts and their minds that they might not do any evil thing in your sight, that they might be preserved to lead us in righteousness.

And for the young ones with whom this mantle of leadership is falling upon. May we lead and train them in your ways. May they be students of your word that they might be able to rightly divide the truth. Blessings upon our children this day, as they grow in the mantles and the anointings you have placed upon them. In Jesus’ name we pray.

In His Service,
Bonnie Franklin






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